Friday, October 21, 2005
History of Bike, part I
When MFR released Nebraska Verses, the MFR audience got a pretty good
taste of the history of MFR and how it related to Crete/Doane
College... but, since the last track on Nebraska Verses, there have
been a few people who have been very important to the identity and
image of MFR.
The first project on MFR to be released that had no involvement from
either Howie or Cory was Bike's "How Is That Possible?" Bike, or Nate
D., is someone I met during my junior year of high schoo, after I had
moved back to Ventura from Coloradol. I met Nate through a mutual
friend from elementary school, and we quickly became friends. In fact,
the first thing Nate every really said to me was a comment about one of
the bands I had written on my backpack (The Pixies). He was surprised,
because he was the only one he had met so far who liked the Pixies, or
had really even heard of them.
We also used to draw little donkeys and bears on each other's notebooks!
At this point, I had about two years' worth of guitar experience under
my belt, and I wasn't too great. Nate had about a year or so, and he
was already as good as me. He taught me how to play Quake, and I
taught him how to do a barr chord.
After we had gotten to know each other better, we decided we were going
to start a band, which would be the first band for both of us...